This Sunday was supposed to be nice and relaxing. We had Stake Conference, so I didn't need to teach and Travis didn't have any meetings. Well, while I was cooking dinner, I started hearing a crackly noise in the other room. I thought Ally had something w/ a crinkly wrapper and my hands were dirty, so while I finished what I was doing, I listened carefully to make sure the crackling didn't stop (meaning she would have gotten whatever it was open.). It was only like a min. or two, but when I went to go find Ally, this is what I saw instead!!!
So, instead of having a relaxing evening, we spent it soaking up water, emptying buckets of water that had poured out of the ceiling, poking holes in the ceiling w/ a nail to make sure there wasn't water pooling up somewhere, doing several loads of towel and rug laundry, blowing fans on the carpet, and sending Bryson to bed EARLY.
The only reason I even thought to take pictures was because Travis' sister's 2 yr. old plugged up their bathroom sink and flooded their bathroom a few days ago. She said she had been too mad to take pictures. Well, I was pretty mad and wouldn't have thought to take any pictures either if I hadn't just read about her story. At least her mess was from a 2 year old, not a 5 yr. old who had already been told not to do what he was doing!
hahaha gotta love him! sounds crazy though!
Oh Dena, I am so sorry!! Water all over is no fun at all!
Hopefully everything has dried up and you haven't found any water damage surprises.
The greatest thing ever invented is in a japanese bathroom. The shower and the tub are in one giant, tiled, drain on the floor room. You could splash all through the day and night, and it wouldn't matter.
We really need to get one of those here. :)
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