My story...

Travis and I have been married since 1996. We have 4 beautiful children: Madelyn (1998), Jacob (2001), Bryson (2004), and Allyson (2007). I love being a mom and wouldn't change a thing (most of the time!).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

1st day of school

We've been in school for quite a while, but being the slacker that I am, I never got the pictures up. So here's my effort to get all caught up.
Here's Maddy on the 1st day. Do you think she likes monkeys?
Here are the boys showing off their new shirts.
Jacob was bound and determined to find a camouflage backpack. He is thrilled with his "army" backpack! Can't you just see the pride in his face!
Bryson was the easiest to buy a backpack for. We found this holographic Mario Kart backpack at the 1st store we went to and he was set!
I drove the kids to school the 1st day to help them carry all the supplies and donations and to meet their teachers, well Maddy's anyway - I already knew the boys teachers. If you look closely, you'll notice that even the Kleenex Maddy donated have monkey's on the boxes.

Bryson was soooooo excited to Finally start school! After we had dropped Maddy, Jacob and Bryson off in their classes, Ally asked me where her class was. I told her that she got to go home with mommy. She was a little disappointed, but I don't think she really wanted to stay. She seemed to enjoy having mom all to herself for a little while.
When I told Bryson that I was driving them on the 1st day of school he said, "Ah, come on!" He has been waiting FOREVER to be able to ride the bus with the big kids. At least it was some consolation that he got to ride the bus home. Here are the kids walking to the bus stop on the 2nd day of school. Ally had to have a backpack just like the rest of them.
Bryson was so excited!

Now the problem is that Ally keeps wanting to ride the bus. She wants to walk the kids to the bus stop everyday wearing her backpack. I guess she'll have to wait FOREVER too.


Jayne said...

your children are so cute, and they are growing up way to fast.

those are fun memories I have of my children .

tell your mom hello for me

Jessica said...

So cute! They are getting so big. Even though I saw them in July, now that they are in school they seem so much bigger!

And Ally's back pack is as big as she is! Haha! That's awesome.

Unknown said...

Great Post. Thank you!

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