My story...

Travis and I have been married since 1996. We have 4 beautiful children: Madelyn (1998), Jacob (2001), Bryson (2004), and Allyson (2007). I love being a mom and wouldn't change a thing (most of the time!).

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Fun with Grandma

My mom is visiting for a couple of weeks and we're trying to show her a good time. She is definitely enjoying our beautiful weather and getting out of the snow! We went to a local wildlife preserve this afternoon. Here we are getting questions answered about a hawk.
We got see some Big Horn Sheep. The one on the left doesn't have as big of horns as the oldest sheep in there, but he was in a good spot for a picture.
The kids enjoyed being up close and personal with the mountain lion. Too bad the glare on the glass made it hard to see it. You can see it better in the next picture that we took in the open.
They had fun digging for fossils. The rocks were really hard and the kids were determined to find one. Travis ended up hacking at the rock for a good 15+ minutes and we ended up bringing home a "fossil" of hexagonocal coral. Thanks dad!
Here's our token picture of Ally. I feel bad that I always neglect to move her into group shots. We might go to the zoo next weekend and I'll do better. She is alway so good when we're out that I never have to worry about her. What a cutie!


Kristen said...

It was so good to see a picture of your Mom. She looks great, the exact same way as I remember her. She hasn't aged a bit!
How fun to get to spend time with her, sounds like your having so much fun!

Mikelle said...

I love the Desert Museum--so jealous!! And I am glad that we are not the only family with the "token" baby in the stroller shot!!

Jayne said...

it was fun to see your family pictures and to see your mom, as kristen said, she looks great.
tell her I said hello and we miss her!

come over to california!

Kalli Monroe said...

looks like you guys had fun. i havent seen ur mom in ages see looks the same tell her hi!:)