My story...

Travis and I have been married since 1996. We have 4 beautiful children: Madelyn (1998), Jacob (2001), Bryson (2004), and Allyson (2007). I love being a mom and wouldn't change a thing (most of the time!).

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Monkey'n Around

Maddy decided to have a monkey birthday party this year. We played a couple of monkey games. The hit was "monkey magic". Otherwise known as black magic or anything else magic - The game where 2 people know the secret, the one who is "it" leaves the room and the rest choose a secret object. When the person comes back, the other person who knows the secret points to things around the room saying, "Is it this?". Right before you point to the secret thing, you point to the secret code thing - in our case, a monkey. It took a while before other kids started catching on. We also made little surf board hula monkeys courtesy of Oriental Trading.

Instead of a cake, Maddy chose to decorate monkey cupcakes at the party. Here's what hers turned out like.
The girls also got to make banana splits.
The girls were really looking forward to the desserts. They all only ate one piece of pizza to make sure they had room.

Here is Maddy getting ready to enjoy her monkey cupcake and banana split.
Here is the rest of the bunch enjoying dessert.
One of Maddy's friends got her this cute Littlest Petshop monkey to go along with the rest of her monkey collection. Even though it's "Littlest Petshop", I would definitely not describe it as little! Pretty cute though!
We even had a monkey pinata. We didn't have a good place to hang it, so we just let the girls wack at it on the floor. They managed to break a hole in it, which Travis tore open and then shook candy all over the girls.
What party would be complete w/o some dancing?! The girls had fun playing freeze dance until it was time to go. They danced to "Another Postcard" with chimpanzees .... by the Bare Naked Ladies. It went along nicely with the monkey theme.

Ally thought the girls were being too crazy for a while, but even she couldn't resist the music for too long. You can see the top of her head as she joined in the dancing fun. The other girls thought she was so cute. Little do they know that almost every time I have a meeting, Travis and the kids have a "dance party", so she's had lots of practice already. We have some hillarious video to post of that later.

Maddy had a really fun party and got lots of great presents. She got some more jewelry, a Barbie that you fix her hair, a horse Webkinz (she also really loves horses), etc. I think they all had a great time. Now we're partied out at our house until 2009.


Trisha said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Those monkey cupcakes are too cute! I also love your rug in your family room.

Kristen said...

I can't believe she is 10 already! Looks like she had a great day! I love the monkey cute!