My story...

Travis and I have been married since 1996. We have 4 beautiful children: Madelyn (1998), Jacob (2001), Bryson (2004), and Allyson (2007). I love being a mom and wouldn't change a thing (most of the time!).

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dances and sleep deprivation

Maddy and Travis went to the Daddy Daugter Dance at school on Friday night. Travis is a really fun dad and Maddy LOVES to go to the dances with him. He'll spin her around, dip her, throw her up in the air, do silly and funny dances (Maddy loves to be the center of attention!), etc. It's a really fun time for just the two of them!
On Tuesday afternoon Bryson fell asleep on the stairs! Of all the uncomfortable places I can think of to sleep, the stairs are right at the top of the list! I guess all his partying over the weekend wore him out. ;-) As I took this picture of him, I couldn't help feeling a bit jealous that he was able to just stop and sleep. Allyson had been up most of the previous night and most of the sleep that she got was while I was holding her listening to her whine and whimper. One of the 2 chunks of sleep that she let me have was interupted by Maddy throwing up (at least it was in the toilet!!! Whew!) I think I got 3 hrs. of sleep, all in bits and pieces. I was able to get Ally in to see the Dr. Tues. afternoon hoping it was an ear infection that was keeping her awake and not just the cold she had that was making her cough and the fact that she was teething. I feel bad that I was rooting for an ear infection, but at least that is treatable and I knew she'd be feeling better soon; the other problems were just wait it out problems and I don't think I could take another night of no sleep. Turns out she did have an ear infection and was put on antibiotics. The ear infection wasn't too bad, but I think the combination of all 3 things was just too much for the poor little thing. She was miserable! Fortunately she's feeling much better and is only waking up once or twice in the night where she just nurses and goes back to sleep. I can handle that. I do miss the days of her sleeping through the night though. With colds, teething, a previous ear infection, etc., she lost her good sleeping habits a couple of weeks before Christmas. Hopefully we can get her sleeping through the night again in a week or two, but as long as there aren't any more completely sleepless nights, we'll be OK.

I forgot to post the pictures of our new couch and love seat. All but the middle seat of the couch recline, so we all enjoy kicking back and relaxing. The kids enjoy it a little too much I think! Now the trick is figuring out how we want to decorate the room before my mom comes in Feb. I'd love to have her help shopping for things and especially sewing curtains or at least designing them. Everything in the room is really neutral right now - oak entertainment center, beige walls and carpet, brown couches. The only color we have right now is the blue rocker/recliner that we've always had. Hopefully we'll come up with something fun soon!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I feel for you..those sleepless nights are the worst! I'm glad she is getting better and that you were able to take her in and get her on antibiotics.

So funny about Bryson falling asleep on the stairs! Sometimes it doesn't seem fair that kids (and dads:) get to sleep whenever they want:)

LOVE the leather couches!! How fun for your Mom to come and help decorate. She is so talented, you guys will have fun. I'm thinking some really cute pillows would add some color to the room along with cute curtains. Greenery always adds color too...
I love to go to model homes and get ideas. Maybe you and your Mom could do that, it so fun!