My story...

Travis and I have been married since 1996. We have 4 beautiful children: Madelyn (1998), Jacob (2001), Bryson (2004), and Allyson (2007). I love being a mom and wouldn't change a thing (most of the time!).

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Shop 'til you drop!

I'll have to admit that although Wal Mart isn't my favorite place in the world, I love being able to get just about everything that I need in one store rather than getting in and out of the car a bunch of times to go to several stores. Getting kids in and out of car seats really adds to the hassle. One bonus on my weekly trip to Wal Mart yesterday was that Ally got a morning nap along the way. Since I didn't have to jostle her in and out of her car seat, she just put her head down on the seat cover (thank goodness for those!) and fell asleep. Everyone couldn't get over how cute she was. Talk about "shop 'til you drop"!
Here she is waking up a little confused as we are about to leave the store. She probably got a 20 min. nap and was very happy the rest of the morning! Lucky me!
I sure wish that I could just crash whenever I got tired. The problem is, my house would be really TRASHED when I woke up! ;D


Mikelle said...

She is so cute and her hair is getting so long!! I can see why she was a hit at walmart!!

Tara H. said...

What a cutie!! Wow, I wish my kids would sleep while we were at Wal-mart. But then, maybe not, I don't have one of those awesome covers :)

Nicolds6 said...

So I finally started blogging and apparently I am a blog stalker now. I just stumbled onto your website!!!How amazingly cute!!

Kristen said...

Your right, it would be nice to sleep whenever and where ever you wanted :)
She is so cute!